Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 14th December, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Rotary Way, Northallerton, DL6 2UU

Contact: Democratic Services Officer  01609 767015

Note: Press and public are welcome to attend meetings of Council. Due to current social distancing restrictions, measures have been implemented which limit the number of attendees able to be physically present in the meeting at any one time. Temporary arrangements are in place for members of the press and public to register their attendance no later than 24 hours in advance of the meeting taking place. Spaces are allocated on a first come first served basis. If you arrive at the Civic Centre to attend the meeting and have not registered in advance a space cannot be guaranteed if there are no vacant seats available. Members of the press and public are also able to observe the meeting virtually via Teams. Please click on the link below or dial 020 3855 5195 followed by the Conference ID: 777 532 936# For further information please contact Democratic Services on telephone 01609 767015 or email 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2021 (C.10 - C.14), attached.


The decision:


That the minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2021 (C.10 - C.14), previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.


Announcements by the Chairman or Chief Executive


The Chairman welcomed Councillor Philippa James who had been elected for the Raskelf and White Horse Ward at the By-Election on 25 November 2021.


The Chairman also wished everybody a Merry Christmas and New Year.


Statement of the Leader and Referrals from Cabinet pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Date of Meeting                     Minute Nos


5 October 2021                     CA.31 to CA.33

2 November 2021                 CA.36

7 December 2021                 To follow

Additional documents:


The Leader moved Cabinet minutes CA.31 – CA.33 (5 October 2021); CA.36 (2 November 2021) and CA.39 – CA.42 (7 December 2021) and made a statement to the Council on the following matters:-


·            Continued support to communities and businesses throughout the pandemic.

·            Local Government Reorganisation.

·            The £4m redevelopment of Thirsk and Sowerby Leisure Centre.

·            The development of Hambleton Crematorium at Maple Park.

·            Consultation on the draft budget prior to consideration at Cabinet in February 2022.

·            Elections in May 2022.


A number of questions were asked based on the statement.  The main issues which the Leader responded to were in relation to:-


·            Ongoing review regarding the appointment of Interim Section 151 Officer.

·            Ingleby Arncliffe Neighbourhood Plan Adoption.


The Decision:


That the reports, resolutions and recommendations of the following meetings of the Cabinet be received, approved and adopted:-



Date of Meeting

Minute Nos





5 October 2021

CA.31 – CA.33


2 November 2021



7 December 2021

CA.39 – CA.42



Cabinet Portfolio Statements pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


(a)    Councillor P R Wilkinson, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Finance made a statement regarding Additional Restrictions Grant – Business Support; Hambleton Apprenticeship Scheme; Insight with Passion Workshops Phase 3; C4DI Northallerton; Vibrant Market Towns; Financial Management and draft budget proposals for 2022/23.


(b)    Councillor P A Thompson, Portfolio Holder for Leisure made a statement regarding Sowerby Sports Village; Hambleton Heroes; Community Grants; Bedale Leisure Centre Developments; Thirsk and Sowerby Leisure Centre reopening and Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme.


(c)    Councillor Mrs I Sanderson, Portfolio Holder for Governance made a statement regarding free car parking; World of James Herriot and the Forum; Public Street Lighting; Electoral Services; ICT and the phishing campaign.  A question was asked regarding the roll out regarding electric charging points for vehicles which was responded to at the meeting.


(d)    Councillor D Webster, Portfolio Holder for Planning made a statement regarding Local Plan; Ingleby Arncliffe Neighbourhood Plan; Land Charges and Development Management.


(e)    Councillor S Watson, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Health, Waste and Recycling made a statement  regarding Waste and Street Scene (garden waste, budgets and Local Government Restructure); Environmental Health (food, Covid, new Management Information System, Local Government Restructure and Air Quality); Warm Homes Schemes; Avian Flu; Climate Change Strategy; Outreach and Queen’s Green Canopy.  A question was asked regarding the location of the air quality monitors which was responded to at the meeting.


(f)     Councillor M G Taylor, Portfolio Holder for Transformation and Projects made a statement regarding Maple Park Crematorium and the North Northallerton relief road.


Referral from the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Date of Meeting                     Minute Nos


5 October                              AGS.8 to AGS.9


The Decision:


That the reports, resolutions and recommendations of the following meeting of the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee be received, approved and adopted:-



Date of Meeting

Minute Nos


Audit, Governance and Standards Committee

5 October 2021

AGS.8 – AGS.9



Referral from the Licensing Committee

Date of Meeting                     Minute Nos


8 December 2021                 To follow


The Decision:


That the reports, resolutions and recommendations of the following meeting of the Licensing Committee be received, approved and adopted:-



Date of Meeting

Minute Nos


Licensing Committee

8 December 2021




Notice of Motion

To be moved by Councillor M S Robson and seconded by Councillor G W Dadd:


“Acknowledging the steps taken by the UK government and other world leaders at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, the huge scale of the challenge we face to keep the rise in average global temperature below 1.5°, the key role of local authorities in meeting the UK’s climate targets and, above all, our responsibility towards future generations, we believe the time has now come for Hambleton District Council to join other institutions and organisations throughout the country in declaring a climate emergency.  We invite the people of Hambleton to join us in our efforts to rapidly cut emissions across the District and accelerate the progress we have already made as an Authority towards building a cleaner, greener, high-skills economy.”


It was moved by Councillor M S Robson and seconded by Councillor G W Dadd:


“Acknowledging the steps taken by the UK government and other world leaders at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, the huge scale of the challenge we face to keep the rise in average global temperature below 1.5°, the key role of local authorities in meeting the UK’s climate targets and, above all, our responsibility towards future generations, we believe the time has now come for Hambleton District Council to join other institutions and organisations throughout the country in declaring a climate emergency.  We invite the people of Hambleton to join us in our efforts to rapidly cut emissions across the District and accelerate the progress we have already made as an Authority towards building a cleaner, greener, high-skills economy.”


The Decision:


That the Notice of Motion be supported.


Appointment to Committees pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Report of the Chief Executive


This report considered a request from the Conservative Group to appoint a Member to the vacant seats on the Scrutiny Committee and the Thirsk and Sowerby Swimming Baths Charity which arose following the resignation of a Council Member in October 2021.


The Decision:


That Councillor Philippa James be appointed to the vacancies on the Scrutiny Committee and the Thirsk and Sowerby Swimming Baths Charity.