Issue - decisions

2017/18 Revenue and Reserves Outturn Position

04/07/2018 - 2017/18 Revenue and Reserves Outturn Position

The subject of the decision:


This report presented the revenue outturn position for the year ending 31 March 2018, which included the position on reserves. The Statement of Accounts, which was the consolidated financial position of the Council for 2017/18, was the responsibility of the Audit and Governance Committee which would meet on 24 July 2018 to approve the Annual Financial Report – Statement of Accounts.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


To comply with the legal requirement under S25 of The Local Government Act 2003 to set a balanced budget and monitor the financial position throughout the year.




That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council:


(1)     the transfer to the Council Tax Payers Reserve of £972,096 as detailed in paragraph 2.5 of the report, which represents the underspend of £680,698, increased business rates received £288,773 and increased additional grant received of £2,625;


(2)     the increase in the use of the One-Off fund at Quarter 4 of £29,350, detailed at paragraph 3.5 and attached at Annex B of the report; and


(3)     the increase in the reserves position of £2,774,710, at paragraph 3.2 and detailed in Annex ‘C’ of the report.