Meeting documents

Tuesday, 24th January, 2012 9.30 am


Council Chamber


1. MINUTES - To confirm the decisions of the meeting held on 13 December 2011 Opens in a new window(CA.46 - CA.51), previously circulated.


Resources Management

3. DRAFT BUDGET 2012/13 Opens in a new window

This report presents at a strategic level the draft revenue budget proposals for the next financial year.

In accepting the recommendations, Council will be asked to approve the Draft Revenue estimates for 2012/13.

Relevant Ward(s): All Wards

4. COUNCIL TAX 2012/13 Opens in a new window

This report considers, for 2012/13, the level of Council Tax, the Prudential Indicators, the Policy on Balances and Reserves and a Statement of Pay Policy.

In accepting the recommendations, Members will determine what level of Council Tax for District Council purposes they wish to recommend to Council thereby determining whether the Council will participate in the Government's Council Tax freeze scheme for 2012/13; the appropriate amount will be taken from the Council Taxpayers Reserve to support the decision above; the Council will set the final overall Council Tax incorporating the requirements of all precepting authorities; the Prudential Code Indicators identified in Annex C will be approved and the indicators will confirm that the expenditure and treasury management decisions are affordable, prudent and sustainable; the risk issues identified in this report will be recognised; the Policy on Balances and Reserves at Annex D will be approved; and the Policy Statement on Pay at Annex E will be approved.

Relevant Ward(s): All Wards

5. SENIOR MANAGEMENT REVIEW Opens in a new window

Since inception of shared services with Richmondshire in April 2009 there has been a shared senior management structure. Shared services are at the stage where all of the service based business cases are agreed and either implemented or being implemented. We are also taking a second pass approach to realise the benefit of our learning across all services as our shared services approach has developed. In keeping with this second pass approach, senior management requirements have also been reviewed.

In accepting the recommendation, the revised senior management arrangements and change requirements as detailed in the annex to the report will be approved.

Relevant Ward(s): All Wards

6. USE OF LEISURE RELATED S106 FUNDS Opens in a new window

This report seeks allocation of ?7,000 of Section 106 funding, that is already secured for public open space, sport and recreation in Thirsk, to complete the new changing facilities at the Pavilion on Thirsk Flatts. The money will be allocated from S106 funds secured from the Norby site.

In accepting the recommendation, an allocation of ?7,000 Section 106 funding will be allocated to Thirsk and Sowerby Flatts Trust.

Relevant Ward(s): Thirsk Wards

Policy Implementation

7. BOARD APPOINTMENTS - BROADACRES Opens in a new window

The Council currently appoints two members to the Board of Broadacres Housing Association. Whilst there have been changes to the number of nominees over the years these appointments go back to when Hambleton Housing Association (and then Broadacres) was first formed following the council house stock transfer in the early 1990's. This report seeks approval to formally withdraw from making Council appointees to the Broadacres Housing Association Board.

In accepting the recommendation, the Council will formally withdraw from making appointments to the Broadacres board in line with its constitution.

Relevant Ward(s): All Wards

8. FORWARD PLAN Opens in a new window

The report presents a forward plan of items to be considered by Cabinet for the period February - May 2012.

Relevant Ward(s): All Wards

9. EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS - To consider passing a resolution under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 excluding the press and public from the meeting during consideration of item 10 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act.


This report considers the adoption of a Business Plan for The World of James Herriot. A copy is attached at Annex A of the report. The primary objective of the Business Plan is to reduce the gap between income and expenditure with a view to a neutral balance within 3 years.

Relevant Ward(s): All Wards

Please click here to download a copy of the minutes Opens in a new window