Issue - meetings

Staffing Matters*#

Meeting: 25/02/2016 - Cabinet (Item 62)

Staffing Matters

This report seeks consideration of staffing matters.


The subject of the decision:


This report sought consideration of staffing issues and submitted a revised Pay Policy for approval.


Alternative options considered:


The alternative options considered were as set out in the report.


The reason for the decision:


Cabinet was satisfied that the decision to approve the recommendations would support the longer term position of the Council.




That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council that:-


(1)     the voluntary redundancy of the Chief Executive is agreed on the terms shown in Annex A of the report with an effective last working day of 29 February 2016 to be financed from the One-Off Fund;


(2)     Dr Justin Ives be appointed to the post of full time Chief Executive from 1 March 2016 with the same job description and terms and conditions as the previous incumbent, and the role of the Executive Director and Deputy Chief Executive be deleted from the establishment;


(3)     Mr M Jewitt and Mr D Goodwin be confirmed in the posts of Executive Director on their current terms and conditions;


(4)     Miss Louise Branford-White be appointed as the Council’s Statutory Finance (S151) Officer and Mr Gary Nelson be confirmed in the role of the Council’s Statutory Monitoring Officer; and


(5)     the revised Pay Policy attached at Annex C of the report be approved and that this supersedes any previous Pay Policy.