15 Counter Fraud Framework Update PDF 2 MB
Report of the Director of Finance and Commercial (S151 Officer)
The subject of the decision:
The Director of Finance and Commercial (s151 Officer) presented a report which detailed the Council’s annual review of counter fraud arrangements. The Council’s Counter Fraud and Corruption Strategy had been refreshed in line with a new UK national Counter Fraud Strategy for local government. The report also provides an updated counter fraud risk assessment.
Alternative options considered:
The reasons for the decision:
The work of the Counter Fraud team supported the Council’s overall aims and priorities by preventing, detecting and deterring fraud against the organisation. Counter fraud work helped to reduce losses to the Council due to fraud and these savings could be used to fund Council services and initiatives.
The decision:
That the Council’s new Counter Fraud and Corruption Strategy (2020-23) with associated action plan be approved and the updated Counter Fraud Risk Assessment be noted.