Issue - meetings

Community Infrastructure Levy Implementation

Meeting: 17/03/2015 - Cabinet (Item 78)

78 Adoption and Implementation of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule pdf icon PDF 348 KB

This report explains the outcome of the Examiner’s report on the Hambleton CIL Draft Charging Schedule, proposed minor modifications to the final Charging Schedule, associated policies and proposes a formal adoption date of 7 April 2015.


In accepting the recommendations, Cabinet will approve and recommend to Council the adoption and implementation of the CIL Charging Schedule and its associated policies, as attached at Annex ‘A’; the adoption and implementation of the CIL Instalment Policy, as attached at Annex ‘C’; the adoption and implementation of the CIL Exceptional Circumstances Policy attached as Annex ‘D’; the adoption and implementation of the CIL Discretionary Charitable Relief Statement attached as Annex ‘E’ and that a further report be brought back to Cabinet on the spending priorities for CIL in 2015/16.


The subject of the decision:


This report explained the outcome of the Examiner’s report on the Hambleton CIL Draft Charging Schedule; proposed minor modifications to the final Charging Schedule, associated policies and proposeed a formal adoption date of 7 April 2015.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


To take account of the outcome of the Examiner’s report and the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended).




That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council:-


(1)        the adoption and implementation of the CIL Charging Schedule and its associated policies, as attached at Annex ‘A’ of the Cabinet report;


(2)        the adoption and implementation of the CIL Instalment Policy, as attached at Annex ‘C’ of the Cabinet report;


(3)        the adoption and implementation of the CIL Exceptional Circumstances Policy attached as Annex ‘D’ of the Cabinet report;


(4)        the adoption and implementation of the CIL Discretionary Charitable Relief Statement attached as Annex ‘E’ of the Cabinet report; and


(5)        that a further report be brought back to Cabinet on the spending priorities for CIL in 2015/16.