Issue - meetings

Northallerton Business Improvement District

Meeting: 07/09/2021 - Cabinet (Item 28)

28 Northallerton Business Improvement District pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Northallerton Business Improvement District (the BID) is approaching the end of its first five year term which comes to an end on 31 March 2022.  Accordingly, the BID has notified the Secretary of State of its intention to hold a ballot to secure a further five year term. This report seeks approval of the BID proposal and authority for the Chief Executive to vote Yes in the forthcoming ballot.


In accepting the recommendations, Cabinet will approves the BID proposal; and authorise the Chief Executive to vote “Yes” in the BID ballot.

Additional documents:


The subject of the decision:


Northallerton Business Improvement District (the BID) was approaching the end of its first five year term which would come to an end on 31 March 2022.  Accordingly, the BID had notified the Secretary of State of its intention to hold a ballot to secure a further five year term.  This report sought approval of the BID proposal and authority for the Chief Executive to vote Yes in the forthcoming ballot.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


The District Council was legally required to carry out the BID ballot on behalf of the BID consortium.


The decision:


That Cabinet:-


(1)      approves the BID proposal; and


(2)      authorises the Chief Executive to vote “Yes” in the BID ballot.