Issue - meetings

Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act - Review of Activity

Meeting: 05/10/2021 - Audit, Governance and Standards Committee (Item 11)

11 Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act - Review of Activity pdf icon PDF 207 KB

Report of the Director of Law and Governance (Monitoring Officer)


The subject of the decision:


The Director of Law and Governance (Monitoring Officer) submitted a report advising the Committee that the Council, like many public authorities, was governed by the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA).  This Act ensured that public authorities complied with their obligations under the Human Rights Act when undertaking investigations which might interfere with the rights of individuals.  The Act introduced safeguards on activities such as surveillance undertaken by public bodies.  The Committee had been given responsibility for RIPA matters.  This would involve the Committee reviewing the Council’s Policy Statement from time to time and receiving bi-annual reports on any activities which had been authorised under RIPA.


Alternative options considered:



The reason for the decision:             


To comply with the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA).


The decision:


That it be noted that no RIPA authorisations were made by the Council during the period 23 March to 5 October 2021.