Issue - meetings

Changes to Political Group and Allocation of Seats to Committees

Meeting: 26/07/2022 - Council (Item 9)

9 Changes to Political Group and Allocation of Seats to Committees pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Report of the Chief Executive


The Chief Executive presented a report which provided details of the recalculation of political proportionality of the Council following recent changes to the Conservative Group, and the resulting amendments to the number of places on, and membership of, the Council’s committees for the remainder of the 2022-23 municipal year (i.e. up until the end of the Council on 31 March 2022).


The changes were required because Councillor David Hugill was no longer a member of the Conservative Group. Councill Hugill had not joined any other Group and therefore remained as an unaligned Member for the purposes of calculating political proportionality and the allocation of seats to Committees


The decision:




(1)       the changes to the membership of political groups on the Council and the subsequent recalculation of political proportionality on the Council’s Committees be noted;


(2)       Councillor C Dickinson be removed from the Investigations and Disciplinary Committee and Councillor D Hugill be allocated this seat; and


(3)       Councillor D Hugill remains on the Appeals Committee.


Note: Councillor D Hugill declared a personal and prejudicial interest and left the meeting at 2.19pm prior to any discussion and voting on the above item.