Issue - meetings

Annual Governance Statement 2016/17

Meeting: 21/03/2023 - Audit, Governance and Standards Committee (Item 21)

21 Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 378 KB

Report of the Chief Executive


The subject of the decision:


The Interim Director of Finance presented a report which set out the findings of a review of the governance framework, incorporating systems of internal control operating within the Council during 2022/23 and sought approval of the Annual Governance Statement.


The Interim Director of Finance wished to record thanks to all the members of the Finance Team for their continued hard work and support which was endorsed by members of the Committee.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


The preparation and publication of an Annual Governance Statement in accordance with the CIPFA/SOLACE Framework was necessary to meet the statutory requirements set out in Regulation 4(2) of the Accounts and Audit Regulations which required authorities to “conduct a review at least once in a year of the effectiveness of its system of internal control” and to prepare a statement on internal control “in accordance with proper practices”.


The decision:




(1)     the conclusion of the review of the system of internal control be agreed; and


(2)     the content of the Annual Governance Statement for publication with the annual Statement of Accounts be approved.