Issue - meetings

Hambleton Leisure Centre Improvement Project

Meeting: 07/06/2016 - Cabinet (Item 4)

Hambleton Leisure Centre Improvement Project

This report seeks consideration of a proposed option of improvements for the Hambleton Leisure Centre and seeks approval for delivery of the proposed option; the appointment of a development partner to assist the process and the submission of a planning application at the relevant time.


The subject of the decision:


This report sought consideration of a proposed option of improvements for the Hambleton Leisure Centre and sought approval for delivery of the proposed option; the appointment of a development partner to assist the process and the submission of a planning application at the relevant time.


Alternative options considered:


Alternative options considered were set out in the report.


The reason for the decision:


Cabinet was satisfied that the proposed option would improve and extend the health and fitness facilities at the Hambleton Leisure Centre.




That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council that:-


(1)     the option to extend the centre and develop internal areas be approved and funded as described in paragraph 2 of the report;


(2)     a development partner to deliver this project be procured;


(3)     monitoring and review of project delivery be undertaken by Management Team, with regular update reports provided to Council Members; and


(4)     a planning application be submitted at the relevant time.