Issue - meetings

Community Infrastructure Levy - Contributions Toward the North Northallerton Infrastructure Schemes

Meeting: 01/09/2015 - Cabinet (Item 29)

29 Community Infrastructure Levy - Contributions Toward the North Northallerton Infrastructure Schemes pdf icon PDF 116 KB

This report identifies and recommends the amount of CIL receipts to be dedicated towards the prioritised CIL funded infrastructure schemes for North Northallerton as set out in the Regulation 123 List (Annex ‘A’).


In accepting the recommendations, Cabinet will approve that the CIL from the planning application for the North Northallerton Development be made “in kind” through the construction of the Link Road and Bridge up to the value of the shortfall in funding subject to the Council agreeing to accept “in-kind” contributions; any CIL remaining after the contribution to the Link Road and Bridge be paid as a financial contribution and put towards the primary school and sports village; a significant proportion of all available CIL receipts (excluding the current North Northallerton application) made to the Council in the period 7 April 2015 - to 31 March 2018 (to a maximum of £2 million) be allocated to the North Northallerton Primary School and Sports Village and there be an annual review (or as required) of these CIL funding arrangements to ensure that they remain appropriate.


The subject of the decision:


This report identified and recommended the amount of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) receipts to be dedicated towards the prioritised CIL funded infrastructure schemes for North Northallerton as set out in the Regulation 123 List (Annex ‘A’ of the report).


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


The Community Infrastructure Levy would be required to ensure efficient and effective delivery of the North Northallerton development.  The Council would need to follow the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended) to ensure that the proper legal procedures continued to be adhered to in implementing the Charging Schedule.






(1)     the CIL from the planning application for the North Northallerton Development be made “in kind” through the construction of the Link Road and Bridge up to the value of the shortfall in funding, subject to the Council agreeing to accept “in-kind” contributions;


(2)     any CIL remaining after the contribution to the Link Road and Bridge be paid as a financial contribution and put towards the primary school and sports village;


(3)     a significant proportion of all available CIL receipts (excluding the current North Northallerton application) made to the Council in the period 7 April 2015 - to 31 March 2018 (to a maximum of £2million) be allocated to the North Northallerton Primary School.


(4)     there be an annual review (or as required) of these CIL funding arrangements to ensure that they remain appropriate.