Issue - meetings

Dalton Bridge & Highway Scheme

Meeting: 01/12/2015 - Cabinet (Item 45)

Dalton Bridge and Highway Scheme

This report seeks approval to allocate further funds from the Economic Development Fund towards the Dalton Bridge and Highway Scheme.


The subject of the decision:


This report sought approval for the allocation of further funds from the Economic Development Fund towards the Dalton Bridge and Highway scheme.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


The allocation of further funds would ensure that the detailed design phase for the proposed highway scheme could be progressed.






(1)     a grant of £102,691 be approved from the Economic Development Fund to be given to the Dalton Businesses to ensure the detailed design phase can be progressed; and


(2)     the grant award be subject to:-


          (i)      the businesses acting as the Client for the delivery of the design phase;

          (ii)      the business committing £17,210 of Section 106 funding;

          (iii)     the businesses committing to acquire the land for the construction of the bridge and highway scheme at a cost of £49,000;

          (iv)    a formal contractual arrangement being in place for the holding of the acquired land the sole purpose of which is to allow delivery of the Dalton Bridge and Highway Scheme.