18 Collection and Disposal of Sharps - Waiving of Procurement Rules PDF 67 KB
This report seeks approval to waive the procurement rules set out in the Council’s Procurement Manual in relation to the provision of a service to collect and dispose of sharps produced as a result of clinical waste.
In accepting the recommendation, Cabinet will grant an exemption from the Council’s procurement rules and will approve the implementation of Option 4 as set out in the paragraph 1.9 of the report.
The subject of the decision:
This report sought approval to waive the procurement rules set out in the Council’s Procurement Manual in relation to the provision of a service to collect and dispose of sharps produced as a result of clinical waste.
Alternative options considered:
There were four options considered which were as set out in the report.
The reason for the decision:
The authority was legally obliged to provide this service as detailed within the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Cabinet was satisfied that Option 4 was best value for money.
That an exemption from the Council’s procurement rules be granted and the implementation of Option 4 as set out at paragraph 1.9 of the report be approved.