Issue - meetings

Staffing Issues*#

Meeting: 06/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 31)

Staffing Issues


The subject of the decision:


In agreement with the Leader, this report was tabled as an urgent item as a decision was required to be taken by Cabinet and subsequently Council on 13 September 2016.


This report sought consideration of the Management Structure of the Council and a revised Pay Policy.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


Proposed amendments to the Pay Policy were required to be presented to Cabinet with the resolution sent to Full Council for approval.




That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council that:


(1)     the proposed structure at Annex A of the report be agreed;


(2)     the revised pay policy statement at Annex B of the report be agreed;


(3)     that the Redundancy, Pension costs and any holidays and payments in Lieu of Notice amounting in total to £349,910 are paid from the one-off Fund be agreed;


(4)     if required, an interview panel be arranged with political proportionality which will consist of three Conservative Members, nominations to be submitted by the Leader to the Chief Executive upon request; and


(5)     a revised pay policy statement attached at Annex C of the report be agreed to take effect when the new structure is in place.