This report presents the capital strategy which gives a clear and concise view of how a local authority determines it priorities for capital investment, sets its risk appetite and decides how much it can afford to borrow.
In accepting the recommendation, Cabinet will approve and recommend to Council the Capital Strategy 2019/20 attached at Annex A of the report.
Additional documents:
The subject of the decision:
This report presented the Capital Strategy which gave a clear and concise view of how a local authority determined its priorities for capital investment, set its risk appetite and decided how much it could afford to borrow.
Alternative options considered:
The reason for the decision:
The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Prudential Code of Treasury Management Code required local authorities, in 2019/20, to produce a Capital Strategy to demonstrate that capital expenditure and investment decisions are taken in line with service objectives and take account of stewardship, value for money, prudence, sustainability and affordability.
That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council the Capital Strategy 2019/20 attached at Annex A of the report.