Issue - meetings

2013/14 Outturn Capital/Treasury Management Report

Meeting: 15/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 2013/14 Outturn Capital/Treasury Management Report pdf icon PDF 206 KB

This report presents the capital outturn position for the year ending 31 March 2014 and also provides an update on the annual treasury management position.  Capital expenditure is intrinsically linked with treasury management as the way that the Capital Programme is funded, directly effects the treasury management arrangements of the Council.


In accepting the recommendation, Cabinet will approve and will recommend to Council the 2013/14 capital outturn position of £2,158,305; the requests for re-profiling the capital programme totalling £513,247 from the 2013/14 programme to 2014/15; an underspend of £122,317 and an overspend of £10,339 as detailed in the report; two additional capital schemes in 2014/15, Hambleton Leisure Centre Playing Field Fence and Leeming Bar Business Park resurfacing entrance works; the treasury management outturn position 2013/14 and the Prudential Indicators attached at Annex B of the report.


The subject of the decision:


This report presented the capital outturn position for the year ending 31 March 2014 and also provided an update on the annual treasury management position.  Capital expenditure was intrinsically linked with treasury management as the way that the Capital Programme was funded, directly effected the treasury management arrangements of the Council.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


To ensure that the overall capital programme remained affordable and sustainable over the 10 year approved capital plan.




That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council to:


(1)     note the 2013/14 capital outturn position of £2,158,305;


(2)     approve the requests for re-profiling the capital programme totalling £513,247 from 2013/14 programme to 2014/15;


(3)     approve the under spend of £122,317 and over spend of £10,339 as detailed in the body of the report;


(4)     approve the two additional capital schemes in 2014/15 detailed in paragraph 2.11:


          (i)      Hambleton Leisure Centre Playing Field Fence - £10,000

          (ii)      Leeming Bar Business Park resurfacing entrance works - £8,000;


(5)     note the treasury management outturn position 2013/14; and


(6)     note the Prudential Indicators attached at Annex B.