This report sets out the business case for the development of a crematorium and seeks support for the project.
Additional documents:
The subject of the decision:
This report set out the business case for the development of a crematorium and sought support for the project.
Alternative options considered:
The reason for the decision:
Cabinet was satisfied that the proposals for the development of a crematorium would provide a beneficial service which was not currently available within the District.
That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council that:-
(1) the principle of providing a crematorium is approved;
(2) that £250,000 is included in the capital programme to develop the project;
(3) authority is delegated to the Chief Executive:
(i) to approve (in consultation with the Leader) the final design of the crematorium;
(ii) to submit a planning application for approval for the crematorium; and
(iii) following receipt of planning approval to tender for the services of a building contractor to construct the crematorium;
(4) following the receipt of the building contract tenders, a report be submitted to Cabinet at the earliest opportunity setting out the:
(i) full costs of and the funding required to deliver the crematorium; and
(ii) options for operating the crematorium.