Issue - meetings

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy - Insurance Write-Offs

Meeting: 30/07/2019 - Licensing Committee (Item 6)

6 Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy - Insurance Write-Offs pdf icon PDF 25 KB

Report of the Principal Licensing Officer


The subject of the decision:


This report sought consideration of applying a general prohibition on specified categories of insurance write-offs in relation to all hackney carriage and private hire vehicles.


Alternative options considered:


The Committee considered rejecting the proposal but concluded that it was appropriate to consult on insurance write-offs and no amendments were deemed necessary.


The reason for the decision:


The Committee was satisfied that any vehicle subject to an insurance write-off should be adequately assessed before it can be used for public and private hire purposes.




That a full consultation be authorised to be carried out in relation to insurance write-offs on the understanding that the matter will be referred back to the Committee for consideration of any responses.