Issue - meetings

Annual Review of Risk Management

Meeting: 22/10/2019 - Audit, Governance and Standards Committee (Item 19)

19 Annual Review of Risk Management pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report of the Director of Finance and Commercial (s151 Officer)


The subject of the decision:


The Director of Finance and Commercial (s151 Officer) presented a report following an annual review of the Council’s risk management process.  As a result of work carried out by the Strategic Risk Management Group during 2018-19, the Council’s Risk Management Framework had been updated, a copy of which was attached at Annex A of the report.  The Project Risks had been reviewed and aligned with the Key Corporate Projects as identified in the Council Plan for 2019-13, the Service Risks with a net risk threshold of 12 and Corporate Risks had also been reviewed with all three areas of risk being updated in the risk register.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


To comply with the Committee’s Terms of Reference as detailed within the Constitution.




That the Committee:-


(1)     approve the changes to the Council’s Risk Management Framework attached at Annex A of the report; and


(2)     note the Corporate Risks, the Key Corporate Project Risks and the Service Risks with a net risk threshold of 12 or above as attached at Annex B, C and D of the report respectively.