20 Statutory Auditor - Annual Audit Letter 2018/19 PDF 2 MB
Report of the Director of Finance and Commercial (S151 Officer)
The subject of the decision:
The Director of Finance and Commercial (s151 Officer) presented a report on the External Auditor’s Annual Audit Letter on the 2018/19 Audit, a copy of which was attached as Annex A to the report. A representative from Ernst & Young LLP was in attendance to answer questions. The Committee requested clarification on the variation of the fee.
Alternative options considered:
The reason for the decision:
To take account of the External Auditor’s audit and inspection work for the financial year 2018/19.
(1) the External Auditor’s Annual Audit Letter on the 2018/19 Audit be received; and
(2) clarification in the variation of the fee be reported at the next meeting of the Committee.