Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 7th December, 2021 9.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Rotary Way, Northallerton, DL6 2UU

Contact: Democratic Services Officer  01609 767015

Note: Press and public are welcome to attend meetings of Cabinet. Due to current social distancing restrictions, measures have been implemented which limit the number of attendees able to be physically present in the meeting at any one time. Temporary arrangements are in place for members of the press and public to register their attendance no later than 24 hours in advance of the meeting taking place. Spaces are allocated on a first come first served basis. If you arrive at the Civic Centre to attend the meeting and have not registered in advance a space cannot be guaranteed if there are no vacant seats available. Members of the press and public are also able to observe the meeting virtually via Teams. Please click on the link below or dial 020 3855 5195 followed by the Conference ID: 910 172 84# For further information please contact Democratic Services on telephone 01609 767015 or email 


No. Item


2021/22 Q2 Capital Monitoring and Treasury Management Mid-year Review pdf icon PDF 128 KB

This report provides the Quarter 2 update as at 30 September 2021 on the progress of the capital programme 2021/22 and the treasury management position.  A full schedule of the capital programme 2021/22 schemes is attached at Annex A, together with the relevant update on progress of each scheme.


In accepting the recommendations, Cabinet will approve and recommend to Council the net decrease of £7,684,708 in the capital programme to £26,812,440 and all expenditure movements as detailed in Annex A of the report; approve the four new schemes in paragraph 2.3 (ii) of the report and the funding of £100,000; approve the Springboard Brise Soleil Refurbishment scheme at a cost of £250,000 and the funding as detailed in paragraph 2.3 (iii) of the report;allocate £220,000 to the Thirsk and Sowerby Leisure Centre project as detailed in paragraph 2.3 (iv) of the report; approve an additional spend of £150,000 on Treadmills as outlined in paragraph 2.3 (vi) and approve the additional spend £172,876 to the Thirsk and Sowerby Sports Village scheme in 2021/22 which is detailed in paragraph 2.7 of the report.

Additional documents:


The subject of the decision:


This report provided the Quarter 2 update as at 30 September 2021 on the progress of the capital programme 2021/22 and the treasury management position.  A full schedule of the capital programme 2021/22 schemes was attached at Annex A of the report, together with the relevant update on progress of each scheme.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


To comply with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2003 and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Prudential Code and the CIPFA Treasury Management Code of Practice.


The decision:


That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council:-


(1)       the net decrease of £7,684,708 in the capital programme to £26,812,440 and all expenditure movements as detailed in Annex A of the report;


(2)       approve the four new schemes in paragraph 2.3 (ii) of the report and the funding of £100,000;


(3)       approve the Springboard Brise Soleil Refurbishment scheme at a cost of £250,000 and the funding as detailed in paragraph 2.3 (iii) of the report;


(4)       allocate £220,000 to the Thirsk and Sowerby Leisure Centre project as detailed in paragraph 2.3 (iv) of the report;


(5)       approve an additional spend of £150,000 on Treadmills as outlined in paragraph 2.3 (vi); and


(6)       approve the additional spend £172,876 to the Thirsk and Sowerby Sports Village scheme in 2021/22 which is detailed in paragraph 2.7 of the report.


2021/22 Q2 Revenue Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 155 KB

This report provided an update on the revenue budget position of the Council at the end of September 2021.


In accepting the recommendations, Cabinet will approves that the budget remains at £10,351,080 as detailed in paragraph 3.3 of the report for 2021/22 and will approve and recommend the creation of a specific earmarked reserve of £500,000 to meet any potential costs from local government reorganisation as set out in paragraph 3.9 of the report.


The subject of the decision:


This report provides an update on the revenue budget position of the Council at the end of September 2021.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


To comply with S25 of the Local Government Act 2003 regarding setting a balanced budget and monitoring the financial position throughout the year.


The decision:


(1)       The Cabinet approves that the budget remains at £10,351,080 as detailed in paragraph 3.3 of the report for 2021/22.


(2)       The Cabinet approves and recommends to Council the creation of a specific earmarked reserve of £500,000 to meet any potential costs from local government reorganisation as set out in paragraph 3.9 of the report.



Sowerby Sports Village pdf icon PDF 99 KB

This report provides an update on the Sowerby Sports Village development and to present options for delivering Phase 4 to construct a 3G artificial pitch with changing room provision and ancillary works including installation of services (water and electricity), hard and soft landscaping, external lighting and fixture and fittings.


In accepting the recommendations, Cabinet will approve and recommend to Council that the Football Foundation grant award of £511,912 is accepted; the construction of the 3g pitch, the changing rooms and the associated works and fees (referred to as Option 2) are approved and financed as highlighted in Table 5; and the revenue costs are increased by £40,000 from 2022/23.

Additional documents:


The subject of the decision:


This report provided an update on the Sowerby Sports Village development and to presented options for delivering Phase 4 to construct a 3G artificial pitch with changing room provision and ancillary works including installation of services (water and electricity), hard and soft landscaping, external lighting and fixture and fittings.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


The Sports Village is a key component part of the Sowerby Gateway scheme in enhancing the quality of lives of the residents of the locality as well as within the wider Thirsk area.


The decision:


That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council that:-


(1)       the Football Foundation grant award of £511,912 is accepted;


(2)       the construction of the 3g pitch, the changing rooms and the associated works and fees (referred to as Option 2) are approved and financed as highlighted in Table 5; and


(3)       the revenue costs are increased by £40,000 from 2022/23.


Ingleby Arncliffe Neighbourhood Plan adoption pdf icon PDF 82 KB

This report considers the results of the Ingleby Arncliffe Neighbourhood Plan referendum.  It asks Cabinet to approve and recommend to Council that it formally ‘make’ the Neighbourhood Plan and bring it into full legal force as part of the Development Plan for the Hambleton District.  This will allow the Neighbourhood Plan to progress in line with the relevant Neighbourhood Planning legislation and Regulations.


In accepting the recommendation, Cabinet will approve and recommend to Council that it formally ‘make’ the Ingleby Arncliffe Neighbourhood Plan and bring it into full legal force as part of the Development Plan for the Hambleton District.  The Council is legally obliged to ‘make’ the plan because it meets the legal requirements for plan making.

Additional documents:


The subject of the decision:


This report considered the results of the Ingleby Arncliffe Neighbourhood Plan referendum.  It asked Cabinet to approve and recommend to Council that it formally ‘make’ the Neighbourhood Plan and bring it into full legal force as part of the Development Plan for the Hambleton District.  This would allow the Neighbourhood Plan to progress in line with the relevant Neighbourhood Planning legislation and Regulations.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


The Council is legally obliged to ‘make’ the plan because it meets the legal requirements for plan making.


The decision:


That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council that it formally ‘make’ the Ingleby Arncliffe Neighbourhood Plan and bring it into full legal force as part of the Development Plan for the Hambleton District.  The Council is legally obliged to ‘make’ the plan because it meets the legal requirements for plan making.



To confirm the decisions of the meeting held on 5 October 2021 (CA.36 - CA.38), previously circulated.


The Decision:


That the decisions of the meeting held on 5 October 2021 (CA.36 - CA.38), previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.


Draft Revenue Budget 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 117 KB

This report presents a draft Revenue Budget for 2022/23 and seeks approval to go out to consult residents and statutory stakeholders upon it.  A final budget report will be presented in February with the results of the consultation, the final local government financial settlement identifying central government support and the overall level of reserves.  This will form the basis of the Council Tax report to February Council.


In accepting the recommendations,  Cabinet will approve the draft revenue budget in this report for consultation with residents and statutory partners.  This will commence after the meeting finish in early January.  The detail will be reported to February Cabinet when the final budget will be approved and recommended to Council.

Additional documents:


The subject of the decision:


This report presented a draft Revenue Budget for 2022/23 and sought approval to go out to consult residents and statutory stakeholders upon it.  A final budget report would be presented in February with the results of the consultation, the final local government financial settlement identifying central government support and the overall level of reserves.  This would form the basis of the Council Tax report to February Council.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


It is a legal requirement under the Local Government Finance Act 1992 to set a balanced budget and monitor progress.  This report was the first stage of that process.


The decision:


That Cabinet approves the draft revenue budget in this report for consultation with residents and statutory partners.  The detail will be reported to February Cabinet when the final budget will be approved and recommended to Council.


Draft Capital Programme 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 77 KB

This report seeks consideration of the 4 year Capital Programme covering the financial years 2022/23 to 2025/26, the 2022/23 Capital Programme.


In accepting the recommendations, Cabinet will approve and recommend to Council that It is recommended that Cabinet approves and recommends to Council that the 4 Year Capital Programme 2022/23 to 2025/26 at £14,163,176 be approved, as detailed in paragraph 2.2 and attached at Annex A of the report; and the Capital Programme 2022/23 at £12,062,997 detailed in Annex B of the report be approved for implementation.

Additional documents:


The subject of the decision:


This report sought consideration of the 4 year Capital Programme covering the financial years 2022/23 to 2025/26, the 2022/23 Capital Programme in line with good practice.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


It is a mandatory requirement under Local Government Act 2003 and CIPFA Prudential Code to ensure a capital programme is affordable, sustainable and deliverable over a 3-year period.  The programme before Cabinet met this requirement.


The decision:


That Cabinet approves the 4 Year Capital Programme identified in Annex and the detailed Capital Programme for 2022/23 of £12,072,337 within that table for consultation with residents and statutory stakeholders.  The detail will be reported to February Cabinet when the final budget will be approved and recommended to Council.