Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 24th November, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Rotary Way, Northallerton, DL6 2UU

Contact: Democratic Services Officer  01609 767015


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 27 October 2022 (P.15 - P.16), attached.


The Decision:


That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 27 October 2022 (P.15 - P.16), previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.


Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 14 KB

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


Please note that plans are available to view on the Council's website through the Public Access facility.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered reports of the Deputy Chief Executive relating to applications for planning permission.  During the meeting, Officers referred to additional information and representations which had been received.


Except where an alternative condition was contained in the report or an amendment made by the Committee, the condition as set out in the report and the appropriate time limit conditions were to be attached in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


The abbreviated conditions and reasons shown in the report were to be set out in full on the notices of decision.  It was noted that following consideration by the Committee, and without further reference to the Committee, the Deputy Chief Executive had delegated authority to add, delete or amend conditions and reasons for refusal.


In considering the report(s) of the Deputy Chief Executive regard had been paid to the policies of the relevant development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and all other material planning considerations.  Where the Committee deferred consideration or refused planning permission the reasons for that decision are as shown in the report or as set out below. 


Where the Committee granted planning permission in accordance with the recommendation in a report this was because the proposal is in accordance with the development plan the National Planning Policy Framework or other material considerations as set out in the report unless otherwise specified below.  Where the Committee granted planning permission contrary to the recommendation in the report the reasons for doing so and the conditions to be attached are set out below.


The Decision


That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendation in the report of the Deputy Chief Executive, unless shown otherwise:-


(1)    22/02265/FUL - Extension to the rear of the property for Mrs Tracy Price at Valentine Cottage, Back Lane, Borrowby, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 4QQ


Permission Granted


(2)    21/00966/REM - Reserved matters application pursuant to outline permission 16/01142/OUT for landscape, appearance, layout and scale for the construction of 28 dwellings - Amended Plans Received 28.10.2022 for Brafferton Manor Farmers at OS Field 0046, Brafferton to West Moor, Brafferton


Permission Granted

(The applicant’s agent, Stuart Natkus, spoke in support of the application.)


(3)    22/01835/MRC - Application for the modification of condition 2, for previously approved application 20/00898/REM -Remove drawing RFM-XX-00-DR-L-001 - New Drawings received  0780-RFM-02-00-DR-L-0001-S3-P02 - Northern Area Detailed General Arrangement Plan 1 of 2, 0780-RFM-02-00-DR-L-0002-S3-P02 - Northern Area Detailed General Arrangement Plan 2 of 2, 0780-RFM-01-00-DR-L-0001-S3-P02 - Southern Area General Arrangement Plan 1 of 2, 0780-RFM-01-00-DR-L-0002-S3-P02 - Southern Area General Arrangement Plan 2 of 2  for Mr Steven Lister at Taylor Wimpey Thurstan Park Development, North Northallerton Phase 1A Land at Stokesley Road Northallerton


Permission Granted subject to additional conditions relating to the discharge of surface water and improvement works to the footpath and bus stop adjacent to the access.


Note: Councillor S Watson left the meeting at 10.45am.


(4)    22/02223/FUL - Two storey extension to rear  ...  view the full minutes text for item P.18