Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 22nd July, 2014 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Northallerton

Contact: Louise Hancock  01609 767015

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 9 KB

To confirm the minutes of the Ordinary meeting and the Annual meeting held on 13 May 2014 (C.40 – C.42 and C.1 – C.5 respectively), attached.

Additional documents:




That the minutes of the Ordinary meeting and the Annual Meeting held on 13 May 2014 (C.40 - C.42 and C.1 - C.6 respectively), previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.


Announcements by the Chairman or Chief Executive


The Chairman referred to a number of engagements he had undertaken on the Council’s behalf since the last meeting.  The Chairman paid tribute to the community of West Tanfield regarding the Tour de France.  The Chairman advised Council that he had sent letters of thanks to the Chairman of West Tanfield Parish Council and Mr Riordan of Leeds City Council and gave special thanks to the Director of Customer and Leisure Services, Mr Dave Goodwin, and his Team who had put a lot of hard work and effort into making this a special day.


Statement of the Leader and Referrals from Cabinet pdf icon PDF 20 KB

Date of Meeting                          Minute Nos


10 June 2014                              CA.7 to CA.10


15 July 2014                               To follow

Additional documents:


The Leader moved Cabinet minutes CA.1 – CA.4 and CA.12 - CA.14 and made a statement to the Council on the following matters:-


·         The North Northallerton Development Area – the Leader thanked all those involved in securing the £6m from the Local Growth Fund.


·         Tour de France – the Leader gave special thanks to all those involved in making the Tour de France such a memorable day and to the staff in Operational Services who did an exceptional job in cleaning up after the event.


A question was asked regarding when work would commence on the North Northallerton Development Area.  The Leader advised that this was not yet known but that discussions were underway.




That the reports, resolutions and recommendations of the following meetings of the Cabinet be received, approved and adopted:-



Date of Meeting

Minute Nos





10 June 2014

CA.1 to CA.4


15 July 2014

CA.12 to CA.14



Cabinet Portfolio Statements pdf icon PDF 15 KB

Additional documents:


(a)     Councillor P R Wilkinson, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Finance made a statement regarding Economic Development; Central Northallerton Masterplan; working with the Local Enterprise Partnership and Working with Businesses.  Councillor Wilkinson gave special thanks to those involved in organising the Business Awards which were held on 17 July 2014.  This had been an extremely successful event which would hopefully be run again next year.


(b)     Councillor Mrs B S Fortune, Portfolio Holder for Customer and Leisure Services made a statement regarding the North Yorkshire Youth Games and the Northallerton Food Festival and gave special thanks to those involved in organising these events which had been extremely successful;  the Tour de France; the Quality Awards for Leisure Centres and the unveiling of the Pendragon multi-sensory centre plans.


(c)     Councillor M Robson presented the Portfolio Holder for Support Services’ statement regarding the Financial Outturn; Member ICT; the restructure of Support Services and the PATROL (Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London) adjudication joint committee meeting.


(d)     Councillor B Phillips, Portfolio Holder for Environmental and Planning Services made a statement regarding the LDF review; the North Yorkshire Building Control Partnership; the Waste Management Review, Environmental Health Service Level Agreement and the Community Infrastructure Levy.


Central Northallerton Masterplan pdf icon PDF 10 MB

Report of the Director of Environmental and Planning Services.


The Director of Environmental and Planning Services submitted a report on the outcome of the Masterplanning process for sites in the centre of Northallerton and to gain Council approval for the Masterplan to be adopted as informal planning guidance.  Planning Committee at its meeting on 26 June 2014 supported the Masterplan subject to there being flexibility in the proposed uses for the site.




That the Central Northallerton Masterplan be adopted as informal planning guidance.


Licensing Committee pdf icon PDF 10 KB

Report of the Director of Support Services and Deputy Chief Executive


In agreement with the Chairman, this report was tabled as urgent as there was a requirement for the Council to establish a Licensing Committee to deal with certain premises and gambling licensing functions.






(1)        a Licensing Committee of ten Members be appointed comprising the existing Members of the Licensing and Appeals Panel plus Councillors R A Baker, D M Blades and R Kirk as nominated by the Conservative Group;


(2)        in future the Licensing and Appeals Panel be a sub-committee of the Licensing Committee comprising three Members drawn from the Licensing Committee on a rota basis;


(3)        the Licensing Committee be responsible for all licensing and registration matters which are not delegated to officers or cannot be dealt with by Cabinet; and


(4)        the Chairman of the Licensing Committee receive a special responsibility allowance of £1,075 (pro rata) for the remainder of 2014/15 and that the Remuneration Panel be asked to look at the level of allowance for future years.