Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 16th December, 2014 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Northallerton

Contact: Democratic Services Officer  01609 767015

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 16 September 2014 (C.13 - C.19), attached.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 September 2014 (C.13 - C.19), previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.


Announcements by the Chairman or Chief Executive


The Chairman presented awards to Marc Scott of Northallerton who had won a place on the GB athletics team and Ken Harker, his coach.  The Chairman on behalf of the Council congratulated Mark and Ken for their achievements.




That Marc Scott and Ken Harker be congratulated on their achievements.


Statement of the Leader and Referrals from Cabinet pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Date of Meeting                          Minute Nos


2 December 2014                       CA.44 to CA.46


16 December 2014                     To follow

Additional documents:


The Leader moved Cabinet minutes CA.44 – CA.46 and CA.55 - CA.56 and made a statement to the Council on the following matters:-


·                ‘Making a Difference’ Grant Fund

·                Apprentice Awards presentations

·                Local Enterprise Partnership Board




That the reports, resolutions and recommendations of the following meetings of the Cabinet be received, approved and adopted:-



Date of Meeting

Minute Nos





2 December 2014

CA.44 to CA.46


16 December 2014

CA.55 to CA.56



Referral from the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Date of Meeting                          Minute Nos


24 September 2014                    AGS.12 to AGS.13


29 October 2014                         AGS.17 to AGS.18

Additional documents:




That the reports, resolutions and recommendations of the following meeting of the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee be received, approved and adopted:-



Date of Meeting

Minute Nos


Audit, Governance and Standards Committee

24 September 2014


AGS.12 to AGS.13


29 October 2014

AGS.17 to AGS.18



Referral from the Licensing Committee

Date of Meeting                          Minute Nos


10 December 2014                     To follow




That the reports, resolutions and recommendations of the following meeting of the Licencsing Committee be received, approved and adopted:-



Date of Meeting

Minute Nos


Licensing Committee

10 December 2014




Cabinet Portfolio Statements pdf icon PDF 10 KB

Additional documents:


(a)     Councillor P R Wilkinson, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Finance made a statement regarding the Council’s Financial Position and the Economic Development Strategy.


(b)     Councillor Mrs B S Fortune, Portfolio Holder for Customer and Leisure Services made a statement regarding the launching of the ‘Take That Step’; the Hambleton Sports Awards; the new Hambleton  Community Safety Partnership and a new pilot initiative to combat loneliness and isolation in Hutton Rudby and Husthwaite.  A number of questions were asked and responded to at the meeting.


(c)     Councillor N Knapton, Portfolio Holder for Support Services made a statement regarding Christmas Markets; attendance at PATROL (the Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London) meeting; the ICT restructure and Legal Services.


(d)     Councillor B Phillips, Portfolio Holder for Environmental and Planning Services made a statement regarding a Waste Management review; new Local Planning Policy and the Rural Housing Enabler Programme.  A number of questions were asked and responded to at the meeting.


Members' Allowances Scheme pdf icon PDF 380 KB

Report of the Director of Support Services and Deputy Chief Executive


The subject of the decision:


This report sought consideration of the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) following a review of the Members’ Allowances Scheme.  The recommendations covered a range of basic and special responsibility allowances (SRA’s) for Members of the Council.  A copy of the draft revised scheme was attached at Annex 2 of the IRP’s report.


Alternative options considered:


Not implementing the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel.


The reason for the decision:


Regulations permit the Council to decide its Members’ Allowances Scheme.  The Council must have regard to the advice provided by the Independent Remuneration Panel but were not bound by it.




That the Members’ Allowances Scheme attached at Appendix 2 of the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel be approved to take effect from 1 April 2015.


Appointment to the North Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel pdf icon PDF 8 KB

Report of the Chief Executive


The subject of the decision:


This report sought consideration of replacing the Leader with the Deputy Leader on the North Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


To take account of the Council’s involvement in the North Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel which performed a scrutiny role in connection with the new Police Crime Commissioner.




That the Deputy Leader be appointed in place of the Leader as the District Council’s Member of the North Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel.