Venue: Main Committee Room, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Northallerton
Contact: Democratic Services Officer 01609 767015
No. | Item |
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2017 (LC.3 – LC.4) and 15 May 2018 (LC.1 – LC.2), previously circulated. Minutes: THE DECISION:
That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 4 September 2017 (LC.3 - LC.4) and 15 May 2018 (LC.1 – LC.2), previously circulated, be signed as correct records. |
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy PDF 900 KB Report of the Principal Licensing Officer Minutes: The subject of the decision:
This report sought authorisation from the Committee to conduct a consultation on proposed amendments to the Council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy relating to driver conduct and suitability, CCTV in licensed vehicles and other minor amendments.
The Committee was also asked to consider adopting European Standards in relation to licensed vehicles with a view to raising emission standards.
Alternative options considered:
The Licensing Committee considered the proposed amendments and concluded that the proposals relating to emission standards required further research and therefore they were not to be included in the revised Policy. The proposals relating to driver conduct and suitability, CCTV in licensed vehicles and other minor amendments were all approved for the purposes of the consultation and the Panel concluded that no other amendments were deemed necessary.
The reason for the decision:
The Committee considered proposed amendments to the Council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy on driver conduct, driver suitability, operator applications, clarification on Hackney Carriage Table of Fares, CCTV in licensed vehicles and driver badges. The Committee was satisfied that the proposed amendments would be likely to improve standards and therefore authorised the commencement of the consultation in order to gauge the views of the trade.
The Committee considered the Senior Scientific Officer’s proposals to adopt European Standards in relation to licensed vehicles with a view to raising emission standards and thereby improving air quality in the district. The Committee noted that the proposal would likely have a significant financial impact on the majority of the trade who may be required to invest in newer vehicles. The Committee also had concerns that this may impact on the trade to the detriment of the public. The Committee deferred the matter for further consideration into methods of improving air quality through licensed vehicles.
(1) approval be given for a full consultation exercise to be carried out in relation to the draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy on the understanding that the Committee will be asked to consider any responses following the consultation period; and
(2) that the proposals relating to emission standards be deferred for further consideration into methods of improving air quality through licensed vehicles. |
Hackney Carriage Table of Fares PDF 503 KB Report of the Principal Licensing Officer Minutes: The subject of the decision:
This report sought consideration of Hambleton District Council’s Hackney Carriage Table of Fares. The existing Table of Fares had been in effect since October 2013 and an informal request had been made by a licensed hackney carriage proprietor to increase the charges.
Alternative options considered:
The Committee considered the Director’s report and, having concluded that an increase to the table of fares would not be appropriate, there was no other suitable option.
The reason for the decision:
The Committee considered the fares comparison data and consultation responses from licence holders. The Committee noted that, aside from the initial request, there was no apparent appetite from the trade to pursue an increase. The Committee concluded that the existing hackney carriage fares are reasonable and that an increase at the present time could deter the public from using hackney carriages in the district.
That an increase to the Table of Fares not be pursued and that the existing charges be retained. |
Gambling Act Statement of Principles PDF 3 MB Report of the Principal Licensing Officer Minutes: The subject of the decision:
This report sought authorisation from the Committee to commence a statutory consultation in relation to the Council’s Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles.
Alternative options considered:
The Committee considered the Director’s report and having concluded that the proposed amendments were appropriate no further modifications were deemed appropriate.
The reason for the decision:
The Committee was satisfied that licensing authorities were required under the Gambling Act 2005 to publish a Statement of Principles which they proposed to apply when exercising their functions. The Statement of Principles must be published at least every three years and therefore the Council must review its Statement of Principles prior to January 2019.
The Panel concluded that the proposed amendments were appropriate subject to any responses during the consultation period.
That authorisation be granted for a full consultation to be carried out in relation to Gambling Act Statement of Principles on the understanding that the Committee will be asked to consider any responses following the consultation period. |