Agenda item

Planning Applications

Report of the Executive Director.


Please note that plans are available to view on the Council's website through the Public Access facility.


The Committee considered reports of the Executive Director relating to applications for planning permission.  During the meeting, Officers referred to additional information and representations which had been received.


Except where an alternative condition was contained in the report or an amendment made by the Committee, the condition as set out in the report and the appropriate time limit conditions were to be attached in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


The abbreviated conditions and reasons shown in the report were to be set out in full on the notices of decision.  It was noted that following consideration by the Committee, and without further reference to the Committee, the Director had delegated authority to add, delete or amend conditions and reasons for refusal.


In considering the report(s) of the Executive Director regard had been paid to the policies of the relevant development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and all other material planning considerations.  Where the Committee deferred consideration or refused planning permission the reasons for that decision are as shown in the report or as set out below. 


Where the Committee granted planning permission in accordance with the recommendation in a report this was because the proposal is in accordance with the development plan the National Planning Policy Framework or other material considerations as set out in the report unless otherwise specified below.  Where the Committee granted planning permission contrary to the recommendation in the report the reasons for doing so and the conditions to be attached are set out below.




That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendation in the report of the Executive Director, unless shown otherwise:-


(1)     15/00175/REM - Reserved matters application for the construction of 48 dwellings and associated garages/parking as amended by plans received by Hambleton District Council on 27 May 2015 at OS Field 3324, Stillington Road, Easingwold for Linden Homes North




(The applicant’s agent, Chris Calvert, spoke in support of the application).


(2)     15/00325/FUL - Redevelopment of garage to provide convenience Store, ATM, customer car park and associated petrol filling station at  Greaves Garage, 36 Garbutts Lane, Hutton Rudby for James Hall and Company


DEFER for further consideration of issues concerning the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.


(3)     15/00190/FUL - Conversion of barn to form two bedroom dwelling including part demolition of section of building at The Barn, Main Street, Helperby for Live Love Local Ltd


DEFER to allow submission of correct certification.


(4)     14/02534/FUL - Proposed farm scale anaerobic digestion and combined heat and power facility and erection of 4 No associated general purpose agricultural buildings at Church Farm, Kilburn for JFS Clay Bank Farm Biogas


          PERMISSION REFUSED because:


          (1)   the proposal by reason of its scale, form, design and proximity to public viewpoints, would result in an uncharacteristic development that caused unacceptable harm to the undeveloped rural landscape character and appearance of the site and the wider landscape setting.  The form and scale of the proposed development failed to take account of the landscape character in the area and as such would be harmful to the intimate landscape character of this part of the District, in close proximity to the boundary and harmful to the setting of the North York Moors National Park.  It was not considered that these impacts could be satisfactorily mitigated for the duration of the proposed development through landscape planting or other measures.  As such, the proposed development was contrary to Hambleton Local Development Framework Policies CP16 and DP30; and


          (2)   the proposed development was contrary to Hambleton Local Development Framework Policies CP1 and DP1, which required all proposals to adequately protect amenity.  Due to the proximity of the dwellings at Highfield and Stockhill Farm, which lie within 170m of the application site, the use of the site and scale of the proposals was likely to give rise to noise and odour of a greater level  and for longer durations than would normally be expected in this part of the District given the scale and form of farming found in this locality.  Notwithstanding the fact that these properties were located on farm units, these impacts would have an unacceptable effect on the residential amenity of the occupiers of those dwellings.


(The applicant’s agent, Steve Barker, spoke in support of the application).


(Jane de Cogan spoke on behalf of Kilburn Parish Council objecting to the application.)


(Joe Ridgeon spoke objecting to the application.)


Disclosure of Interest


Councillor Mrs I Sanderson disclosed a pecuniary interest and left the meeting during discussion and voting on this item.


(5)     15/00318/FUL - Installation of a solar farm and associated infrastructure at Land South East of Highfield House for Lightsource Renewable Energy Ltd


PERMISSION GRANTED subject to securing additional landscaping scheme and conditions to be determined.


The decision was contrary to the recommendation of the Director of Environmental and Planning Services.


(The applicant’s agent, Jessica Gitttoes, spoke in support of the application).


(David Middleton spoke on behalf of Raskelf Parish Council supporting the application.)


(6)     14/01332/FUL - Use of two holiday letting units as one dwellinghouse with ancillary facilities at  White Bear Cottage, South Back Lane, Stillington for Mr J Sparrow




(7)     15/00678/MRC - Variation of conditions 6, 10, 19, 23 & 32 of permission 08/04984/FUL to allow later submission of details and alternative wording of conditions 9 & 14 at Stank Farm, Bullamoor for Infinis Energy Services Ltd


DEFER to consider the need for Environmental Impact Statement.

Supporting documents: