Agenda item


Report of the Director of Housing and Planning Services.


The Committee considered reports of the Director of Housing and Planning Services relating to applications for planning permission.  During the meeting, Officers referred to additional information and representations which had been received.


Except where an alternative condition was contained in the report or an amendment made by the Committee, the condition as set out in the report and the appropriate time limit conditions were to be attached in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


The abbreviated conditions and reasons shown in the report were to be set out in full on the notices of decision.  It was noted that following consideration by the Committee, and without further reference to the Committee, the Director had delegated authority to add, delete or amend conditions and reasons for refusal.


In considering the report(s) of the Director of Housing and Planning Services regard had been paid to the policies of the relevant development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and all other material planning considerations.  Where the Committee deferred consideration or refused planning permission the reasons for that decision are as shown in the report or as set out below.  


Where the Committee granted planning permission in accordance with the recommendation in a report this was because the proposal is in accordance with the development plan the National Planning Policy Framework or other material considerations as set out in the report unless otherwise specified below.  Where the Committee granted planning permission contrary to the recommendation in the report the reasons for doing so and the conditions to be attached are set out below.




That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendation in the report of the Director of Housing and Planning Services, unless shown otherwise:-


(1)        13/02660/FUL - Construction of a warehouse, mixing hall, dispatch area and associated works as amended by plans received by Hambleton District Council on 12 February 2014 at Cawingredients Limited, Caw House, Tutin Road, Leeming Bar for Cawingredients Limited


            PERMISSION GRANTED subject to satisfactory completion of a Planning Obligation to secure a contribution to the construction cost of Aiskew Bedale footway and cycleway.


            (Mr R Harrison spoke on behalf of the applicant, in support of the application.)


(2)        14/00053/FUL – Construction of warehouse and distribution building with associated landscaping at Cawingredients Limited, Caw House, Tutin Road, Leeming Bar Industrial Estate for Cawingredients Ltd.


            PERMISSION GRANTED subject to satisfactory completion of a Planning Obligation to secure a contribution to the construction costs of the Aiskew, Bedale and Leeming Bar footway and cycleway.


(3)        13/02560/REM - Reserved matters application for the construction of 36 dwellings including means of access as amended by plans received by Hambleton District Council on 6 February 2014 at land to the north of The Willows, Willow Bridge Lane, Dalton for Whitfield Homes Limited and West Park Estates Limited.




(4)        13/02666/FUL - Construction of 16 no. affordable dwellings with associated infrastructure at land west of Apple Tree House, Garbutts Lane, Hutton Rudby for Broadacres Housing Association.


            PERMISSION GRANTED subject to satisfactory completion of Planning Obligation requiring the dwelling-houses to remain as affordable housing and a contribution in connection with public open space if the Director of Housing and Planning Services considers it appropriate.


            (Ms F Coleman spoke on behalf of the applicant, in support of the application.)


(5)        12/01200/FUL - Flood alleviation measures involving widening of existing channel to increase storage area adjacent to culvert inlet as per amended plans received by Hambleton District Council on 6 August 2012 and 21 January 2014 at Turker Beck Flood Alleviation Area, Bullamoor Road, Northallerton for The Environment Agency.




            (Mr P Holmes spoke on behalf of the applicant, in support of the application.)


            (Councillor J Dobson spoke on behalf of Northallerton Town Council objecting to the application.)


(6)        13/02427/REM - Reserved matters application for the provision of 90 unit extra care facility and associated retail units, public realm works and highways works at land east of Topcliffe Road and south of Gravel Hole Lane, Topcliffe Road, Sowerby for Galliford Try.




            (Ms J Clark spoke on behalf of North Yorkshire County Council, in support of the application.)


            (Mr D Bentley spoke, objecting to the access arrangements of the application.)


(7)        14/00083/FUL - Conversion of existing detached garage to form an annexe and single storey extension to side of dwelling at The Old Black Bull, Thormanby for Mr Peter Gibson.




(8)        13/02269/FUL - Change of use of buildings and land from general storage for building company to a mixed use of workshop/storage for plant hire and general storage for building company, and alterations to existing access, as amended by amended plans received by Hambleton District Council on 10 December 2013 at OS Field 5442, Swainby for Mr J Swales.