Agenda item

Planning Applications

Report of the Director of Environmental and Planning Services.


Please note that plans are available to view on the Council's website through the Public Access facility.


The Committee considered reports of the Director of Environmental and Planning Services relating to applications for planning permission.  During the meeting, Officers referred to additional information and representations which had been received.


Except where an alternative condition was contained in the report or an amendment made by the Committee, the condition as set out in the report and the appropriate time limit conditions were to be attached in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


The abbreviated conditions and reasons shown in the report were to be set out in full on the notices of decision.  It was noted that following consideration by the Committee, and without further reference to the Committee, the Director had delegated authority to add, delete or amend conditions and reasons for refusal.


In considering the report(s) of the Director of Environmental and Planning Services regard had been paid to the policies of the relevant development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and all other material planning considerations.  Where the Committee deferred consideration or refused planning permission the reasons for that decision are as shown in the report or as set out below.


Where the Committee granted planning permission in accordance with the recommendation in a report this was because the proposal is in accordance with the development plan the National Planning Policy Framework or other material considerations as set out in the report unless otherwise specified below.  Where the Committee granted planning permission contrary to the recommendation in the report the reasons for doing so and the conditions to be attached are set out below.




That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendation in the report of the Director of Environmental and Planning Services, unless shown otherwise:-


(1)     14/01116/FUL - Construction of a storage and distribution centre for 4 x 4 Accessories and Tyres at Plot 6 Conygarth Way, Leeming Bar Business Park


          PERMISSION GRANTED subject to the completion of a planning obligation in respect of the sum of £5,213.00 towards the Bedale footpath and cycleway.


(2)     13/00800/FUL - Retrospective application for placement of solar panels to roof of dwelling for Mrs Y Macalister at Wesley House, Husthwaite


          PERMISSION GRANTED subject to a condition removing Permitted Development rights to install PV panels on Colton House and Little Worsall.


          The decision was contrary to the recommendation of the Director of Environmental and Planning Services.  The Committee considered that subject to conditions the scheme would not cause significant harm to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area or the Non-designated Heritage Asset.


          (The applicant’s agent, John Hawlette, spoke in support of the application.)


          (Peter Fox spoke on behalf of Husthwaite Parish Council supporting the application.)


(3)     13/02282/OUT - Revised outline application for the construction of 25 dwellings for Arla Foods Limited at Romanby Road, Northallerton


          PERMISSION GRANTED subject to the completion of the planning obligation to secure two units of affordable housing and a £30,000 contribution to be split between public open space, sport and recreation facilities and education provision, as well as a £1,000 contribution towards the provision of yellow box markings at the railway crossing and an additional condition requiring a vibration protection scheme.


(4)     12/01813/FUL - Construction of a utility and garage building for Mr J McElvaney at Hillside View Farm, Tame Bridge, Stokesley




(5)     14/01130/FUL - Construction of day care, education, training and respite facilities for adults with learning and other difficulties for Yatton House Society at Noble Fuels Ltd, Depot, Skutterskelfe


          PERMISSION GRANTED subject to an additional condition restricting the use to that set out in the application.


          (The applicant’s agent, Steve Barker, spoke in support of the application.)


          (Mr Stanley spoke objecting to the application.)

Supporting documents: