The subject of the decision:
This report explained the outcome of the Examiner’s report on the Hambleton CIL Draft Charging Schedule; proposed minor modifications to the final Charging Schedule, associated policies and proposeed a formal adoption date of 7 April 2015.
Alternative options considered:
The reason for the decision:
To take account of the outcome of the Examiner’s report and the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended).
That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council:-
(1) the adoption and implementation of the CIL Charging Schedule and its associated policies, as attached at Annex ‘A’ of the Cabinet report;
(2) the adoption and implementation of the CIL Instalment Policy, as attached at Annex ‘C’ of the Cabinet report;
(3) the adoption and implementation of the CIL Exceptional Circumstances Policy attached as Annex ‘D’ of the Cabinet report;
(4) the adoption and implementation of the CIL Discretionary Charitable Relief Statement attached as Annex ‘E’ of the Cabinet report; and
(5) that a further report be brought back to Cabinet on the spending priorities for CIL in 2015/16.