Issue - decisions

Bedale Hall Long Term Lease

08/06/2022 - Bedale Hall Long Term Lease

The subject of the decision:


This report sought approval for the existing long-term lease of Bedale Hall to be surrendered and a new lease granted to Bedale Hall Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


Cabinet was satisfied that granting a new lease to give the local community responsibility for the day-to-day management of this asset linked to the Council’s Providing a Special Place to Live priority.


The decision:


That Cabinet approves that:-


(1)     the Council accepts the surrender of the existing Bedale Hall lease from Bedale Town Council and Aiskew Parish Council;


(2)     the Council accepts the surrender of part of the lease for the adjoining playing fields from Bedale Town Council;


(3)     the Council grants a new lease to Bedale Charitable Incorporated Organisation for Bedale Hall and the additional playing fields land for a peppercorn rent, together with the appropriate restrictions set out in paragraph 5.1.4 of this report;


(4)     the intention to dispose of the playing fields land is advertised as described in paragraph 5.1.1 (b) of the report; and


(5)     subject to the Director of Leisure and Communities satisfactorily resolving any issues arising from the advertisement(s) and satisfying himself that the disposal is Subsidy Control Compliant, that the responsibilities for transferring the assets identified within the report are delegated to the Director of Leisure & Communities.