Issue - decisions

Bedale Cycleway Network

09/07/2015 - Bedale Cycleway Network

The subject of the decision:


This report sought consideration of various issues regarding the Bedale Cycle Network.  The idea of this cycle network had been in the planning since the Bedale Renaissance Market Town Master Plan was published in March 2004.  Its objective was to link where people live in Aiskew and Bedale to key institutions (such as schools, leisure centres, health provision) in the area via pedestrian and cycle routes.


Alternative options considered:


The options considered were set out in the report.


The reason for the decision:


To ensure that the plans for the cycleway and bridge are fully accessible for all.






1)      the available capital be top sliced to provide up to £30,000 to appoint external experts to produce a detailed feasibility study; and


2)      the content of the 2010 cycleways study be refreshed.