Issue - decisions

Discretionary Business Rate Relief

19/03/2014 - Discretionary Business Rate Relief

The subject of the decision:


This report submitted for consideration a policy for the determination of the allocation of Discretionary Rate Relief to retail business premises.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


Cabinet was satisfied that it was prudent for the Council to have a policy for the award of this discount.




That Cabinet approves and recommends to Council:-


(1)     the Retail Relief for Business Rates Policy in accordance with the Department for Communities and Local Government guidance with the following exclusions:-


          (a)     any ratepayer that occupies 50 or more premises in England and Wales; and


          (b)     Charity shops in receipt of 80% Mandatory Business Rate Relief.


(2)     approval of Discretionary Business Rate Relief be delegated to Officers in line with this policy.