Issue - decisions

Policy Review - Enforcement Policy on Flytipping

11/04/2018 - Policy Review - Enforcement Policy on Fly-Tipping

The subject of the decision:


This report presented the final report from the Scrutiny Committee on the Policy Review on the Enforcement Policy on Fly-Tipping for consideration.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


To take account of the findings of the Scrutiny Committee.






(1)     it be noted that the current Enforcement Policy on Fly-Tipping was not currently effective and no longer fit for purpose and required updating, although the Scrutiny Committee recognised that this work was already being undertaken;


(2)     the draft updated Enforcement Policy be presented to Scrutiny Committee for consideration at the appropriate time;


(3)     consideration be given to providing more promotion and publicity about fly-tipping and enforcement to raise awareness;


(4)     information on the Council’s website regarding fly-tipping be updated, including exploring the possibility of an interactive portal to report incidents; and


(5)     consideration be given to more multi-agency working to tackle the issue within North Yorkshire.