Issue - meetings

Annual Review of Risk Management Strategy

Meeting: 24/10/2017 - Audit, Governance and Standards Committee (Item 18)

18 Annual Review of Risk Management Strategy pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Report of the Director of Finance (s151 Officer)


The subject of the decision:


The Director of Finance (s151 Officer) presented a report following an annual review of the Council’s risk management process.  The internal audit of Risk Management in May 2017 recognised the Councils arrangements for managing risk as satisfactory within an acceptable control environment, whilst identifying some areas for improvement.  This had also been reported to the Corporate Peer Review in June 2017.  In light of this, Management Team had agreed a comprehensive review of risk management procedures during the coming year to support the Council’s drive towards excellent governance and effective internal controls by strengthening the approach to identification and management of risk.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


To comply with the Committee’s Terms of Reference as detailed within the Constitution.




That the Committee note:-


(1)     the proposed review and consequent improvements to the Council’s risk management; and


(2)     the current strategic and project risks attached at Annex A and B of the report respectively.

Meeting: 25/10/2016 - Audit, Governance and Standards Committee (Item 22)

22 Annual Review of Risk Management Strategy pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report of the Head of Finance (s151 Officer)


The subject of the decision:


The Head of Service Finance (s151 Officer) presented a report following an annual review of the Council’s risk management process.  The report set out a revised risk management guidance document which included the Council’s process and policy in respect of Risk Management.


Alternative options considered:




The reason for the decision:


To comply with the Committee’s Terms of Reference as detailed within the Constitution.




That the revised risk management guidance be approved.