Agenda item

Cabinet Portfolio Statements

a)      Verbal Statement by the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Support Services and Economic Development – Councillor P R Wilkinson;


b)      Verbal Statement by the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Health - Councillor Mrs S A Shepherd;


c)      Verbal Statement by the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Customer Services and Asset Management – Councillor N A Knapton;


d)      Verbal Statement by the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Housing, Planning and Waste Management – Councillor P Phillips.


(a)     Councillor P R Wilkinson, Portfolio Holder for Support Services and Economic Development made a statement regarding the Council’s finances and ongoing projects regarding Economic Development.  Councillor Wilkinson reported that the Council’s balances were in a strong and robust position and that there would a presentation for Members in September introducing simplified accounts along with the year-end budget, 10 year financial strategy and IT.  He further reported that it was envisaged that the accounts would be complete by June 2014.


          Councillor Wilkinson reported that the draft GBA Study would be the subject of a presentation to Members on 15 April 2014 and all Members were encouraged to attend.  A further report on the Gateway Car Park would be submitted to Cabinet at the next meeting on 15 April 2014 and that a study on Dalton Industrial Estate had been commissioned.  A report on the Wensleydale Railway would be submitted to a meeting of Cabinet on 6 May 2014.  It was hoped that a decision from Central Government regarding the LEP for the North Northallerton project would be received by mid-July.  In relation to managing workspace occupancy, it was reported that a further 25 car parking spaces had been provided at Evolution.  It was confirmed that the spaces had been rented for a 2 year period.


(b)     Councillor Mrs S Shepherd, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Health made a statement regarding the Community Awards that had been held on the evening of 27 March 2014 and reported that this had been a very successful event.  Council wished to commend the officers involved in organising this event.  The Thirsk and Stokesley Leisure Centres had been officially re-opened and the Tour de France 100 days to go event had been held on
29 March in Northallerton.


(c)     Councillor N Knapton, Portfolio Holder for Customer Services and Asset Management made a statement regarding the second phase of the replacement of the cobbles within Thirsk Market Place which would involve temporarily relocating the taxi rank.  Councillor Knapton reported that the part-nighting project was 72% complete and the remainder would be completed over the next few weeks.  The 0845 telephone number for the Council was being phased out and the 01609 779977 was being re-introduced as the standard contact number for the Council.  Feedback regarding the relocation of the Farmers Market in Northallerton had been very positive.  Councillor Knapton also announced that the next Parish Liaison meeting would be held on the evening of 5 June 2014 at the Civic Centre.  Questions regarding the phasing out of the 0845 number and part-nighting were asked and responded to at the meeting.


(d)     Councillor B Phillips, Portfolio Holder for Housing, Planning and Waste Management made a statement regarding the population and household projections up to 2026 and reported that this was a significant issue for Hambleton.  Councillor Phillips reported that buildings on the former Northallerton Prison had been listed as Grade II which would require redesigning some of the project work.  It was also reported that the Ministry of Justice were looking to dispose of the site by March 2015.  In relation to the ageing population and as a result of work recently undertaken by the Scrutiny Committee, there would a Member Workshop regarding proposals for improving the provision of housing for older people.  Councillor Phillips reminded Members that a seminar of Waste and Recycling would be held immediately following Council.