Meeting documents

Tuesday, 20th March, 2012 9.30 am


Council Chamber


1. MINUTES - To confirm the decisions of the meetings held on 14 February Opens in a new window and 21 February 2012 Opens in a new window (CA.61 - CA.67 and CA.68 - CA.69), previously circulated.


Resources Management

3. COUNCIL PERFORMANCE REPORT 2011/12 - QUARTER 3 Opens in a new window

This report provides an update on the budgetary position of the Council (Revenue, Capital and Reserve Funds) at the end of December 2011 and to report progress on performance against the Council Business Plan.

In accepting the recommendations, It is recommended that Members will determine the adjustment to the revenue budget outlook referred to in section 3 of the report; the grant referred to in section 4 of the report will be paid into the Service Improvement Reserve; the position on the capital programme referred to in section 6 of the report will be noted and the roll forward of a budget of ?1,543,650 to 2012/13 will be approved and the position on the reserve funds referred to in section 7 of the report will be noted.

Relevant Ward(s): All Wards


This report presents for approval the proposed Treasury Management Strategy for 2012/13 - attached as Appendix 1 to the report. The Strategy also incorporates the latest requirements set out by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) in terms of the Annual Investment Strategy.

In accepting the recommendation, Council will be asked to approve the Treasury Management Strategy (including the Annual Investment Strategy) for 2012/13 be approved.

Relevant Ward(s): All Wards

5. CAPITAL PROGRAMME SCHEMES Opens in a new window

This report seeks authority to implement various schemes which are included within the Council's approved ten year capital programme, except for the Springboard car park extension.

In accepting the recommendation, the schemes detailed in paragraph 1.1 of the report and included in the attached Annexes A to J will be approved for implementation.

Relevant Ward(s): All Wards


As part of the new developments for the housing site in South West Thirsk (Sowerby) currently proceeding through the planning process there are a number of components, this report focuses solely on the 'off-site recreational facilities'.

In accepting the recommendations, the Council will lead the implementation of this project; and external support will be sought to help take this forward and up to ?20,000 be utilised from the ?1.5 million developer contribution to expedite this.

Relevant Ward(s): Sowerby and Thirsk Wards

Policy Implementation

7. POLICE AND CRIME PANEL Opens in a new window

This report asks Cabinet to recommend to Council the proposed arrangements for the North Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel and to agree in principle to appoint one Member to the Panel.

In accepting the recommendations, Council will be asked to agree the proposed arrangements for the North Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel.

Relevant Ward(s): All Wards

8. LOCALISM ACT 2011 - NEW STANDARDS REGIME Opens in a new window

The Localism Act 2011 significantly amends the Standards Regime as it affects all Councils, including District and Parish Councils. This report suggests amendments to the Council's current structures and processes for dealing with Standards issues.

In accepting the recommendations, Council will be asked to agree in principle that the current functions of the Standards Committee (as amended by the Localism Act 2011) be transferred to a new Audit, Governance and Standards Committee and that revised Terms of Reference be considered at the next Annual Meeting; give authority to the Audit and Governance Committee to consider and make recommendations to Council on the new Code of Conduct; agree that the Monitoring Officer (in consultation with the Independent Person) be authorised to determine whether allegations under the new Code of Conduct should be investigated and that the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee approve the principles to be applied in reaching a decision; audthorise a Panel comprising the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Audit and Governance Committee and Councillor M Rigby to identify an Independent Person (and substitute) to be recommended to Full Council; the proposals for a Standards Hearings Panel as set out in paragraph 4.13 of the report be approved in principle with further details to be approved at the Annual Meeting; the options set out in paragraph 4.14 of the report form the basis of guidance to be provided by the Monitoring Officer to the Standards Hearing Panel about its response to breaches of the Code of Conduct; approve in principle the proposals for delegation of decisions on dispensations as set out in paragraph 4.15 of the report and further details be approved by the Audit and Governance Committee; note that the Monitoring Officer will continue to maintain Registers of Members' Interests for the District Council and Parish Councils and note that training will be offered to District and Parish Council Members on the new regime in due course.

Relevant Ward(s): All Wards


This report seeks endorsement of the Public Open Space, Sport and Recreation Action Plans for the parishes of Dalton, Bedale and Topcliffe.

In accepting the recommendation, the Public Open Space, Sport and Recreation Action Plans in Annex B of the report will be endorsed.

Relevant Ward(s): Bedale, Tollerton and Topcliffe Wards

10. FORWARD PLAN Opens in a new window

The report presents a forward plan of items to be considered by Cabinet for the period April - July 2012.

Relevant Ward(s): All Wards

11. REPLACEMENT OF WASTE VEHICLES 2012 Opens in a new window

In agreement with the Leader, this report was tabled as an urgent item.

Please click here to download a copy of the minutes.