
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

08/06/2020 - Making a Difference Grants ref: 1945    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Finance (S151 Officer)

Decision published: 15/06/2020

Effective from: 08/06/2020


To roll forward two Making a Difference Grants from the 2020/21 financial year into the 2021/22 financial year for the following projects:
- Bedale Town Council - Parade and Presentation of a Illuminated Address to RAF Leeming – total project cost £2,700, grant offer £1,300
- Thirsk and District Business Association – Thirsk and Sowerby Festival – total project cost £2,500, grant offer £1,000

Lead officer: Justin Ives

02/06/2020 - Leeming Bar Strategic Employment Site ref: 1929    Recommendations Approved

To allow the Council to deliver the scheme and meet the policies and objectives for the site.

Decision Maker: Chief Executive - Delegated Decisions under Emergency Powers

Made at meeting: 02/06/2020 - Chief Executive - Delegated Decisions under Emergency Powers

Decision published: 08/06/2020

Effective from: 16/06/2020


(1)          To proceed with option negotiations for the land as per section 1.4 of the Officer Decision report.


(2)          To work in liaison with the local business to design and cost the scheme and develop the business case.


(3)          To bring a further report to Cabinet on the outcome of the option negotiations and the business case.

Wards affected: Bedale Ward;

Lead officer: Judith Turner

02/06/2020 - Modern Slavery Policy and Procedure ref: 1932    Recommendations Approved

To assist the Council in meeting its duty to help tackle modern slavery within the District.

Decision Maker: Chief Executive - Delegated Decisions under Emergency Powers

Made at meeting: 02/06/2020 - Chief Executive - Delegated Decisions under Emergency Powers

Decision published: 08/06/2020

Effective from: 16/06/2020


The Chief Executive approved the adoption of the Modern Slavery Policy and Procedure.

Wards affected: All Wards;

Lead officer: Lisa Wilson

02/06/2020 - Commuted Sums (Affordable Housing) Expenditure ref: 1930    Recommendations Approved

To enable the Council to spend commuted sums income in accordance with legal requirements and increase the provision of affordable housing.

Decision Maker: Chief Executive - Delegated Decisions under Emergency Powers

Made at meeting: 02/06/2020 - Chief Executive - Delegated Decisions under Emergency Powers

Decision published: 08/06/2020

Effective from: 16/06/2020


To agree the expenditure proposals, in relation to current and future commuted sums (affordable housing) received as shown at paragraph 1.4 of the attached report.

Wards affected: All Wards;

Lead officer: Helen Kemp

02/06/2020 - Sowerby Sports Village ref: 1933    Recommendations Approved

To assist the Council in delivering the intended facilities at the Sowerby Sports Village.

Decision Maker: Chief Executive - Delegated Decisions under Emergency Powers

Made at meeting: 02/06/2020 - Chief Executive - Delegated Decisions under Emergency Powers

Decision published: 08/06/2020

Effective from: 16/06/2020


(1)          To phase the approach and delivery of the scheme as detailed within the report;


(2)          To provide £61,000 from the Capital Fund to add to the previously allocated Section 106 funds and the access road contribution provided by the Department of Education, in order to deliver Phase 3 of the project;


(3)          To provide community access to clubs and the public as highlighted within the report and to delegate future decisions on community access and operational matters to the Director of Leisure & Communities in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Leader, and


(4)          To provide an operational budget of £25,000 for 2020/21 only.

Wards affected: All Wards;

Lead officer: Lisa Wilson

02/06/2020 - Changes to the Housing Assistance Policy ref: 1931    Recommendations Approved

The changes to the Housing Assistance Policy are to improve support for vulnerable households to enable healthy and long term occupation of their homes and maximise the effectiveness and access to grant funding; and also to reduce fuel poverty, winter deaths and improve energy efficiency.

Decision Maker: Chief Executive - Delegated Decisions under Emergency Powers

Made at meeting: 02/06/2020 - Chief Executive - Delegated Decisions under Emergency Powers

Decision published: 08/06/2020

Effective from: 16/06/2020


To approve changes to the Housing Assistance Policy.


Changes are required to the Housing Assistance Policy in particular:


·        Increase in the threshold for non-means tested Disabled Facilities Grants from £5,000 to £6,000.


·        Applications for discretionary non-means tested Disabled Facilities are limited to one grant in any three year period.


·        Clarification is given to applications for assistance made on behalf of a disabled person under the age of 18 years old being non-means tested.


·        Prioritisation of interventions to facilitate hospital discharge based on advice from Occupational Therapists.


·        Provision of discretionary assistance to fund the cost of aids and adaptations to help people with dementia continue to live in their own homes.


·        Provision of further discretion for top up funding where the required works for a Disabled Facilities Grant are over £30,000.


·        Provision (pending approval from Management Team) of a discretionary fund to be available to support energy efficiency measures.


·        Energy Repayment loans have been removed.

Wards affected: All Wards;

Lead officer: Vikki Flowers

28/05/2020 - Purchase Consulting Days ref: 1923    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial (s151 Officer)

Decision published: 28/05/2020

Effective from: 28/05/2020


Purchase consulting time for ICT projects at £4,650.00.

Lead officer: Jenny Pan